fall 2021 -2 weeks
a monumental like structure is assembled right outside Roger williams school of art architecture & historic preservation, 'the rotating eye'. the strong presence of this structure is meant to establish a powerful connection between the practice of photography and the practice of architecture, primarily through materiality & composition.​​​​​​​
with the connection already being established, given that the site is right next to the school's main entrance, a series of panels placed carefully around a circular shape, will mimic the motion of a camera lens, opening and closing simultaneously. this specific motion is designed to capture different angles of the space, with the panels being synchronized.
an individual performance will be taking place on the eye of the lens. the panels are designed to move freely around a circular motion, as well as offset from the circle in an aperature-type motion, almost like a flower when blossoms in the spring. the wide range of materiality present on the site lead to a simple translation of materials onto this project, with each panel wearing a unique material, to reflect on the school of architecur's history as well as to create a backdrop for a nice photography shoot.
when the individual performance is not scheduled. this setup can be brought from inside the school of architecture, and can be assembled in a relatively easy process. the panels are now able to move freely around a track system that is already installed on a wooden floor. this creates an environment where multiple people can be present within that circle to practice the 'art of photography'.
the rotating eye will serve as a checkpoint for practicing photography for any RWU student on campus. its presence will surely be felt when assembled outside the school of architecture.
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